Technologies & Research

Select Technologies and Research

ANDRO's tech portfolio covers a wide area of state-of-the-art technologies on a path from research to product and services. Here's a sample of our accomplishments.






Zero Trust for B5G

Digital Twin for B5G


Jammer-resilient LPI/D Waveform


HELPER Network

Novel technology and procedures to rapidly implement waveforms on general purpose processors.

All waveforms are fully developed in software (C++) on a General-Purpose Processor (GPP) to be used by any software platform.

Extensive waveform inventory with a wide range of waveform types and standard builds. All are accessible and ready to use.

Waveforms tested in a High-Capacity Backbone (HCB) 18-mile full-duplex link between facilities at Ku band.

Software implementation and rapid development lead to lower startup costs compared to traditional FPGA waveform development.

Software approach creates levels of re-useability of functional components between waveforms.

Novel P2P networking paradigm for ATAK using a mesh of Android devices to persist TAK-relevant data

A suite of beyond 5G technologies implementing spectrum-as-a-service, turnkey RANs, and blockchain-based auditing

Comprehensive software suite including an adaptive cross layer network stack, joint routing, and dynamic spectrum allocation

Machine learning to classify unknown signals of interest

Intruder detection and physical layer authentication of software defined radio platforms

Highly-configurable low-cost low-SWAP radio software platform compatible with AXL-Force or other custom network stacks

Safely fielding Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) radios utilizing a state-of-the-art policy deployment tool-chain

Optimizing the RF spectrum to efficiently utilize a mixture of electromagnetic transmission resources including frequency, time, geography, power, modulation, and beam direction

A software solution for the mitigation of MANET intrusions by implementation of security protocols on SDR physical layer

Implementing unique transmitter signatures onto Software Defined Radios to improve spectral efficiency in hostile environments

A new spread-spectrum management paradigm for spectrum sharing.

Edge processing and compression of highly-dimensional data for the purposes of localizing and tracking RF signals.

Selecting and scheduling multiple geographically dispersed sensors to better allocate target tracking and discrimination resources.

Optimally perform track hand-over between EO/IR sensors and weapon control sensors using feature aided classification.

Collect, process, and fuse info from multiple radars to form a Single Integrated Air Picture.​

Using MIMO technologies to collect, process, and fuse info from multiple widely spaced radars for accurate tracking.

Intelligent Systems

Smart City Sensor Networks

Sensor networking technologies tailored towards improving health & safety

Brain-computer Interface Applications

Signal analysis techniques for health applications to improve quality-of-life for those with neurological disorders

Block-chain Applications

Utilizing block-chain for secure transaction-based applications

Comprehensive software expert system for cosite analysis of electromagnetic environmental effects, interference, and compatibility.​

Modeling electromagnetic vulnerability and susceptibility to directed-energy HPM.

Improved analysis techniques for prediction of avionics EM interference and vulnerabilities.

Select Research Publications

ANDRO applies fundamental research to develop new technologies as a solution in many application areas. Take a look at a selection of our research publications.

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