Call for Participation to Telecommunication Industries

Value Proposition: ANDRO enables future growth markets in edge computing and communications today, to give early adopters a first mover market advantage and gain market dominance as others follow.

ANDRO’s XSAS for Tier 1-3 Telcos/Mobile Network Services, Cablecos and Satellite Companies, Cloud Service Providers, Spectrum Access System (SAS), and Spectrum as a Service (SaaS) Platform Providers

ANDRO Computational Solutions, LLC is leading an initiative to roll out a new, enhanced Spectrum Access System (XSASTM) platform that will revolutionize the wireless communications and networking industry globally. XSASTM exploits the power and capabilities of ANDRO’s PrismLinkTM Radio and PrismStackTM embedded platforms. Our XSASTM provides significant returns on investment benefitting companies in eCommerce, content delivery, V2X, telehealth, remote education, wireless Internet of Things (IoT), and other market sectors.

ANDRO seeks technology companies including strategic partners and investors who represent the interests of high-profile and large-scale Tier 1-3 telcos and network growth markets to participate in this unique program, including beta testers. Participation is fee structured, based on company size and problem sets. ANDRO will apply its XSASTM, PrismStackTM and PrismLinkTM solutions to solve customer problem sets, demonstrate solutions for use cases in a representative application environment, share technical insights, and provide a discounted license and preferred pricing plans for actual deployments.

ANDRO’s XSASTM enables the emergence of new economies across the telecommunications and data services landscape. We developed a new approach to edge-based computing and machine-to-machine and peer-to-peer (M2M/P2P) communications together with dynamic spectrum access/sharing (DSA/S) policy to automatically adjudicate spectrum allocation and expand network utility value in real-time. XSASTM is adaptable to 5G-to-Next-G telecommunications while monetizing spectrum and network usage for decentralized, elastic cloud-mesh architectures. Decentralization converts centralized cloud data transactions to the “edgeless fog.” Monetization is achieved by enabling a new communications frontier that serves any device, at any frequency, anytime, anywhere, and by anybody thus maximizing data transaction, spectrum sharing, connectivity, quality of service, and monetization capacities.

The potential return on investment to companies responding to this call for participation is immense and leads the way for a revolution in communications since the days of Alexander Graham Bell. Come and be part of this amazing opportunity!

Contact for further information on fees and how to participate